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UNIST 인공지능대학원의 대학원 및 연구성과를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Prof. Namhoon Lee’s collaborative work to be published at NeurIPS 2021

  • 2021
  • 01.01 - 12.31
Meta-Learning Sparse Implicit Neural Representations” by {Jaeho Lee*, Jihoon Tack*}, Namhoon Lee, Jinwoo Shin
Abstract: Implicit neural representations are a promising new avenue of representing general signals by learning a continuous function that, parameterized as a neural network, maps the domain of a signal to its codomain; the mapping from spatial coordinates of an image to its pixel values, for example. Being capable of conveying fine details in a high dimensional signal, unboundedly of its domain, implicit neural representations ensure many advantages over conventional discrete representations. However, the current approach is difficult to scale for a large number of signals or a data set, since learning a neural representation -- which is parameter heavy by itself -- for each signal individually requires a lot of memory and computations. To address this issue, we propose to leverage a meta-learning approach in combination with network compression under a sparsity constraint, such that it renders a well-initialized sparse parameterization that evolves quickly to represent a set of unseen signals in the subsequent training. We empirically demonstrate that meta-learned sparse neural representations achieve a much smaller loss than dense meta-learned models with the same number of parameters, when trained to fit each signal using the same number of optimization steps.

사람 11명, 문구: 'Random Initialization Meta- Learning Pruning Meta- Learning Sparse Initial Representation Sparse Representations Meta-SparseINR to find a sparse initial INR and fit each signal Dense- Narrow #Parameters: 26,978 17,708 Original 11,100 Meta- SparseINR (Ours) 7,152 4,522 3,232 #Parameters: 26,561 17,000 10,880 6,964 4,458 Sparse models retain more color information and give coarse patterns, while dense-narrow models are more monochromatic with less-structured patterns. 2,854'의 이미지일 수 있음