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UNIST 인공지능대학원 공지사항 안내해드립니다.
뉴스 테이블
번호 제목 등록일
100 Ahri Lab's(Prof.Hyemin Ahn) paper was accepted to IROS 2024!! 2024.10.08
99 LiLab's(Prof. Hyounghun Kim) paper accepted to EMNLP 2024!! 2024.10.08
98 UVLL (Prof. Seungryul Baek) won the 1st place in the 8th HANDS Workshop Challenge in ECCV 2024! 2024.10.08
97 2024 UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop, 9/6(Fri), Engineering Building 3, Rm E205 첨부파일 2024.08.30
96 2024 UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop(9/06) 2024.08.13
95 Paper 'Zero-shot Text-guided Infinite Image Synthesis with LLM guidance' accepted to ECCV 2024 2024.08.02
94 Paper 'PosterLlama: Bridging Design Ability of Language Model to Contents-Aware Layout Generation' accepted to ECCV 2024 2024.07.08
93 Paper 'Nickel and Diming Your GAN: A Dual-Method Approach to Enhancing GAN Efficiency via Knowledge Distillation' accepted to ECCV 2024 2024.07.08
92 Paper 'Hybrid Video Diffusion Models with 2D Triplane and 3D Wavelet Representation' accepted to ECCV 2024 2024.07.08
91 2024년도 5차 UNIST 전임교수 초빙공고(~6/19) 첨부파일 2024.05.30