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UNIST 인공지능대학원 공지사항 안내해드립니다.
뉴스 테이블
번호 제목 등록일
84 Paper 'DITTO: Dual and Integrated Latent Topologies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction' accepted to CVPR 2024 2024.04.18
83 [2024.03.27.] [인공지능대학원] 동남권 디지털 전환의 주역, UNIST], THE AI 매거진 2024.03.28
82 One paper from LAIT(Prof. Jaejun Yoo) is accepted to IJCV 2024 2024.03.27
81 UNIST AI대학원에서 2024년도 가을학기 신입생을 모집합니다. 2024.03.19
80 LAIT Lab’s (Prof. Jae-Jun Yoo) received Gold Medal Award from IPIU2024 2024.02.06
79 LAIT Lab’s (Prof. Jae-Jun Yoo) received Encouragement Prize from IPIU2024 2024.02.06
78 LAIT Lab’s (Prof. Jae-Jun Yoo) received Encouragement Prize from IPIU2024 2024.02.06
77 제3회 AIAI WorkShop 2024 개최 안내(2/26 ~ 2/28) 2024.02.05
76 Our paper(Prof. Dongyoung Lim, Prof. Sungil Kim) is accepted to ICLR 2024 (Spotlight presentation- Notable Top 5%) 2024.01.26
75 LAIT Lab’s (Prof. Jae-Jun Yoo) paper accepted to ICLR 2024 !! 2024.01.26