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UNIST 인공지능대학원 공지사항 안내해드립니다.
뉴스 테이블
번호 제목 등록일
37 RVI Lab’s (Prof. Kyungdon Joo) papers accepted to TPAMI! 2021.10.22
36 UNIST Service & Knowledge Lab's (Prof. Chiehyeon Lim) paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 2021.10.20
35 UVL Lab's (Prof. Seungryul Baek) paper accepted to ICCV 2021 2021.10.19
34 Prof. Namhoon Lee’s collaborative work to be published at NeurIPS 2021 2021.10.18
33 VIP Lab’s (Prof. Jae-Young Sim) paper presented at ICCV 2021 2021.10.14
32 SDM Lab’s (Prof. Gi-Soo Kim) collaborative work to be published at NeurIPS 2021 2021.10.14
31 LIM Lab’s (Prof. Sungbin Lim) paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 2021.10.14
30 [2021.09.30] UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop 성료(UNIST, 동남권 인공지능(AI) 혁신 생태계 중심으로!) 2021.10.04
29 [2021.09.30] UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop 개최 안내(사전등록:~9월 16일) 첨부파일 2021.09.16
28 [2021.09.07] LG전자 DX Intesive Course 개강식 2021.09.08