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BoIR: Box-Supervised Instance Representation for Multi Person Pose Estimation (BMVC 2023), Prof. Seungryul Baek

BoIR: Box-Supervised Instance Representation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation

Single-stage multi-person human pose estimation (MPPE) methods have shown great performance improvements, but existing methods fail to disentangle features by individual instances under crowded scenes. In this paper, we propose a bounding box-level instance representation learning called BoIR, which simultaneously solves instance detection, instance disentanglement, and instance-keypoint association problems. Our new instance embedding loss provides a learning signal on the entire area of the image with bounding box annotations, achieving globally consistent and disentangled instance representation. Our method exploits multi-task learning of bottom-up keypoint estimation, bounding box regression, and contrastive instance embedding learning, without additional computational cost during inference. BoIR is effective for crowded scenes, outperforming state-of-the-art on COCO val (0.8 AP), COCO test-dev (0.5 AP), CrowdPose (4.9 AP), and OCHuman (3.5 AP). Code will be available at this https URL